These are many names for the same thing. Although all ghosts are not necessarily poltergeists. They mostly are human spirits that were once alive in a physical body but are now dead. They either don't know they are dead or refuse to go to the light and transition for whatever reason. This is usually due to unfinished business such as attachments, fear of what's next for them, addictions, revenge, etc. Earthbound dead can choose to attach themselves to another living human (a host). They do this either deliberately or it happens by "chance." When they attach purposefully it is to use the living person so they may continue experiencing what they wish they could still do in a body. Some reasons may be revenge, continued addiction, remaining living in a certain home or location, or wanting to cause harm to their host because they are suffering themselves. They actually can cause a great deal of harm to the host through the physical body, the mind, or physical space. As I stated above, a foreign entity can influence and "control" your life to different degrees. So, technically, the life you are living may not be the life that your soul truly wants to be living! Your thoughts, actions, interests, passions, physical conditions, emotions, addictions, and so on could be the entity or entities that are attached to you and not yours alone. This goes for most foreign entities, not just this category. Some earthbound dead don't even know they are dead or refuse to accept their death or they are scared to move on due to fear. They can hang around earth using people's energy to continue "living" their life.
These are a group of multiple foreign entities such as demons, dark ET's and other lower level dense energies and structures of "evil" that work within a military style system. I relate this to Sauron with his dark beings and goblins and orc armies from the "Lord Of The Rings" or Voldemort and his army of dark wizards and witches and dark beings from the "Harry Potter" movies and books. It is an organized structure of many entities working together to fulfill a common goal of domination of the human race through entity possession, suffering, and fear. They use the laws of the universe and black magic as tools for their plots and missions. These foreign forces seem to be currently working with many of the world's governments, Hollywood, the music industry, religious groups, etc. Satanism is a major group structure that works with these dark forces and entities through their rituals and black magic. Many of these "higher ranked" dark elite forces exist in different dimensions than we do. So they work alongside "humans" who wish to cause suffering to help fulfill missions and agendas of the foreign elite forces.
These foreign entities are dense negative energies that have not been human but can manifest as physical beings. Many of them however ARE created by humans' negative thoughts, actions, rituals, and suffering, either consciously or unconsciously. Hence the saying "face your demons". Some of them may have existed on earth before humans were even here. I feel they are energetic embodiments of that which is the opposite energy of love. If love exists, then the opposite of love has to also exist. To me, demons are the opposite of love energy and feed and promote that energy.
Another way of seeing them is that they are an energetic signature, or non-physical energetic by-product, that has been expressed by humans and other forces with ill intent that has collected throughout all of time. Some of the most "beautiful" and "holy" people could be demons in the flesh. Since you and I are creator Gods we can create whatever we desire, negative or positive, wanted or unwanted, even "demons." But demons don't seem to be what you have been told to believe through religion or movies. The only power they have is the power you give them (more on this below.) They feed on and encourage fear, violence, chaos, negative thoughts and emotions, anger, rage, lust, and destructive actions. They can possess or take over the consciousness of a person in order to create more fear, suffering, and chaos on the planet. They want nothing more but to cause suffering, destroy, create war, and separation. They can destroy a human who has a very weak energy field (aura) that has been taken over by them for an extended period of time. More on this later.
As stated above, some of the most beautiful, famous, and spiritual people are demons that look like humans. These can be demons who are born into a human body, or people who have been "taken out" or "replaced" with a demon. For some reason, based on contracts or karma, people can be born with total demon possession. These people look completely human, some might say they are the most "perfectly beautiful" looking humans, but really they are not human at all. They trick people into idealizing or following them for the purpose of causing greater suffering and control over the human race. Some examples of these beings are some movie and music stars, sports stars, spiritual teachers of all backgrounds, politicians, lawyers, or anyone who holds a position of power. An example of a demon pretending to be a human is the character above from the "Constantine" movie. An example of a human being who could have possibly been replaced by a demon would be someone like John of God who has been convicted of horrendous crimes.
These are beings with ill intent that come to earth from other planets and solar systems. Of course, not all ET's wish to cause harm and many are beneficent. Harmful ET's and Malevolent Aliens wish to control and dominate the people of earth. They, along with demons, have possessed many religious and political structures and figures on our planet. Some of them have a physical body but exist in a different dimension other than we do. Some known races of dark ET's are the Gray's and some of the Reptilians, for example. They feed on fear, chaos, war, and destructive thoughts and actions like most foreign entities and dark forces.
Fallen Angels are an angelic race of beings that are now in service to the darkness (promoting and encouraging suffering and the causes of suffering.) They come to earth and invoke mass suffering on the planet. Like most foreign entities, they possess the mind and encourage the human to act upon destructive and harmful thoughts and emotions. They create suffering on the planet in service to the foreign forces agenda with the intent of world domination. They seem to be rare when it comes to attaching themselves to people, but seem to promote fear, chaos, war, and negative harmful actions and energy.
These are foreign entities, mainly demons and harmful ET's, that pretend to be benevolent spirit guides like angels, animal guides, and ascended masters like Jesus or Mother Mary, for example. When you ask for help or assistance from God or spirit guides, foreign entities can impersonate these loving guides and helpers so that you can "invite" them into your experience and they can then deceive you with false information and possibly possess you. For every foreign entity has to be invited into your experience in some way shape or form for them to have any influence over you.
These beings can be human or a different race of beings living in another dimension/reality. These entities suck the life force energy from you in order to survive and thrive. They do this consciously or unconsciously. Many humans are doing similar actions on purpose or without even knowing it, and their "victims" can also be unaware that it is happening. Human energy vampires are usually very disconnected from their own power and from the Source energy within all things. The foreign entity beings that do this on purpose that are not humans are a race of beings that have physical form and exist in another dimension different from that of humans. They are very similar to traditional vampires, but instead of blood sucking they suck life force energy. The traditional vampire like "Dracula" most likely exists as well in physical and non-physical realms.
These foreign entities are souls that were once in a human body but are now dead, just as the earthbound dead as stated above. These souls have agreed to work alongside other foreign entities and the dark elite forces mentioned previously. Again I relate this to the Nazgul in the "Lord Of The Rings". They are human souls working for the foreign forces mission.
Implants can be organic or inorganic structures of foreign energy that have attached to you in some way. They can drain you of your life force energy, promoting physical or mental negative conditions. They can influence your emotions, thoughts, and actions in a destructive way. Organic implants attached to your body or aura can "look" like spiders, octopi, creepy alien-like beings such as the face huggers from the movie "Alien" for example. In-organic implants are robotic and machine like, similar to the torture devices from the "Saw" movies or AI type of beings. Explants are also organic or inorganic structures which take your life force energy, also called prana or chi. They store it someplace outside of yourself, like into a "cloud" to be used for their purposes.
The entities that cause sleep paralysis usually are some form of darker forces like demons or energy vampires. From my personal experience, working with clients, and from hearing about others who do entity clearing work, it seems that sleep paralysis is possibly not a mental condition of the mind but mainly entity attachment related. For when people become clear of the entities attached to them, their sleep paralysis goes away completely in most cases. I have found this true for myself. For example, if I go to the city and forget to clear myself when I get home I sometimes would get sleep paralysis. I would awaken and check for entities, and there would always be at least one. I would clear and then sleep peacefully the rest of the night. What seems to be happening during the paralysis is that the entity is sucking your chi, prana, or life force energy from you while you are about to fall asleep or right when you fall asleep usually. That is one reason why it is very important to protect yourself energetically before you go to sleep every night. Not out of fear, but as a form of protection out of love for yourself, your family, and home, just like locking your door at night.
This includes dense lower level foreign energy and entities that we just don't know what they are or where they come from. This includes stuck energies from the past, and energetic cords that attach from you to other people, entities, and energy structures. These entities and cords can be cleared just as easily as other well known entities and energy.
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The information presented on this website is derived from yogic, metaphysical, magical, experiential wisdom, and modern scientific research and is intended solely for information and education. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or replace proper medical care. Always consult a licensed healthcare professional before making any significant modification to your wellbeing or lifestyle.
Regarding Entities & Entity Removal:
All information here is experiential in nature and is based on our many years of extensive research, training, and field work with clients. We don't truly know what is 100% "true" or "not true" when it comes to entities and entity removal. We do not claim that any of the information about entities is 100% true cause who could really know for sure. All we know is what is "true" to us based on our own life experiences and knowledge.
It is not suggested to try and remove or clear any entities or dark/negative energies without proper training and/or without the assistance of a trained facilitator/professional.
Toren Collective
An in-depth course on foreign (dark) entities & multidimensional occult forces and how they attach, interfere, influence, and attack.
Learn how to identity and protect yourself from these entities, forces, and unwanted energy.