Body Of Light has evolved into a 2 part project!
1) A documentary film series with over 15 episodes.
Each person I interviewed via zoom will have their own episode. The episodes will be released one at a time.
2) I am now going to be going on TOUR to interview people in person to create a Body Of Light full length documentary film!
I have multiple amazing, some very well known, people who have agreed to do interviews in person!
First will come the documentary film series with at least 15 episodes and to follow will come a full length documentary movie!
- For project 1, all I need is a new computer and the film editing software so I can start releasing the episodes and get proper copyright etc. = $3,000
- For project 2, the tour, I seek sponsors to support the tour so I can travel and record the new interviews in person all around America, coast to coast. = $30,000
If you or anyone you know can support in any way,
please message me here or at bodyoflightfilm@gmail.com
Thank you so much and may all beings benefit,
Nicolas Elumen
Director & Producer
How and why do people deslove into light in life and at the time of death?
The intention for this film is to take this complex and obscure subject of the Tibetan Rainbow Body and the Light Body phenomenon, and shine a simplified light on this topic and specific practices.
This is not a "how to" achieve the Rainbow Body film, but to share about my personal journey on my path of studying and research about the topic and how that study and path changed my life!
Nicolas will dialogue about the Rainbow Body and Light Body through interviews with some of the leading experts, scholars, yogis, and mystics who have vast research and experience in the fields of Buddhism, Yoga, Spiritual Accession, Tantra, Metaphysics, Natural Medicine, Alchemy and more!
See list of completed interviews bellow.
Some questions and topics to be focused upon in the film include:
Many blessings and may this project be for the benefit of all beings everywhere to be happy, healthy, and clear.
Nicolas Elumen
Producer & Director
Father Francis Vincent Tiso is a Catholic priest, Tibetan Buddhist scholar, and writer interested in inter-religious dialogue and Tibetan Buddhism. He has decades of research and study on the subject Rainbow Body and light body. Father is the author of the book "Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Kenmpo A Cho"
Kulavadhuta Satpurananda is recognized as a reincarnation, empowered, and initiated into the fourth stage (niruttara/aghora) of the secret oral tradition of the old Indian Great Lineage of Buddhist Tantra (boudha-kaula-natha-samayachara), at the age of five by the legendary Aghoribaba and Maheshwarima in the charnel ground of Bakreshwar,
Kulavadhuta Satpurananda is recognized as a reincarnation, empowered, and initiated into the fourth stage (niruttara/aghora) of the secret oral tradition of the old Indian Great Lineage of Buddhist Tantra (boudha-kaula-natha-samayachara), at the age of five by the legendary Aghoribaba and Maheshwarima in the charnel ground of Bakreshwar, district-Birbhum, West-Bengal, India. He is recognized, empowered, and initiated into the final stage of the same lineage by elder guru-brother Dr. Baba Ramnath Aghori (former head of the Natha Order and Royal-Guru of Nepal) and his consort, at the age of 12 in the legendary ganachakrapuja in Kalighat Temple, Calcutta. He practiced singularly in a span of eight years in the charnel ground of Tarapith (seat of old Indian Blue Anal) from the age of 10 to 18, accomplished in the leftist Tantrayoga tradition (vamachara), corpse-meditation (sava-sadhana), funeral-pyre-meditation (chita-sadhana), and was recognized as the seat holder of empowerment tradition, titled as Khyapababa ('Mad Father') by the generations of the legendary master Vamakhyapa of Tarapith. He practiced the wrathful order (Mastang) of Sufism. He is recognized, empowered, and initiated by Mastang Pir Darbeesh Ali Shah of Bangladesh, lineage holder of legendary Sirajsai-Lalansai; accomplished as a graveyard meditation master and a liberator of suffering spirits under the same guru; later recognized as a Saibaba by the generation of Sirdi Sai Baba and approached as a master in the same tradition. He practiced under the secret lineage of Christian Gnostic tradition under Mother Theresa. He is recognized, empowered, and initiated by Swanubhawadeva Vedanta, Vaishnava/Shakta/Shaiva-yoga at the age of 18. He is empowered in secret sannyas by Ma Annandamoyee, and two years later took renunciation (sannyas) at the age of 24. He is empowered and initiated into the meditation of Shunyata and secret Mahamudra by the Swanubhawadeva at the age of 28; ordained as Avadhuta, and made independent by the same guru in 1993. He is recognized and titled as Baulchudamani - in 1994 at Jayadeva Baul mela (in the village of Kenduli, district-Birbhum, West Bengal). He is accomplished in the Boudha-Kaulamarga-Yuganadya (the ultimate practice of Vajrayana-Sahajayana) for five years and took to the spiritual responsibility of the lineage Vajracharya-guru of the secret school being approached by sadhus-sanyasis-lamas and laypersons
Asa Hershoff, ND, DC, has been a practicing naturopathic physician and chiropractor specializing in homeopathic medicine for more than 25 years and has practiced Vajrayana concurrently for 40 years. Completing the traditional Tibetan 3-year meditation retreat under the auspices of Kalu Rinpoche, he was later ordained as a lay Lama. He is founder of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Lama Surya Das is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars, one of the main interpreters of Tibetan Buddhism in the West, and a leading spokesperson for the emerging American Buddhism. The Dalai Lama affectionately calls him “The Western Lama.”
He is the founder of the Dzogchen Center and Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and its branch centers around the country.
Lorin is a pioneer in developing personalized meditation practices, designing the techniques around an individual’s inner nature. He is the founder of two related meditation systems: The Radiance Sutras®, and Instinctive Meditation®. He is author of the book "The Radiance Sutras: 112 Gateways to the Yoga of Wonder & Delight".
Camille Maurine is a meditation mentor, dancer, and the author of the groundbreaking Meditation Secrets for Women and Meditation 24/7, both written with her husband, Dr. Lorin Roche. Camille gives global webinars and teacher trainings in women's spiritual empowerment and embodiment, as well performances, workshops, and retreats.
Glenn H. Mullin is a Tibetologist, Buddhist writer, translator of classical Tibetan literature, and teacher of Tantric Buddhist meditation. He lived in the Indian Himalayas where he studied philosophy, literature, meditation, yoga, & the enlightenment culture under thirty-five of the greatest living masters of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Glenn is also the author of over 30 books.
Performer, recording artist, sound healer and teacher, Ashana tours the world with her concerts, workshops, retreats and crystalline activation ceremonies. Ashana is one of the premiere healing music artists of our time. In fact, Ashana’s original sound pioneered an entirely new genre of healing music with crystal singing bowls. She is an international artist and student of yoga and mantra.
Illuminati Congo is a Chicago-based one-of-a-kind project melding hip hop aesthetic with reggae consciousness. He is an artist, musician, mystic, urban sadhu, and author of "Tantrik Rainbow Body Breathing" and many other books. He been studying and practicing light body teachings and other tantric yogas now for many years.
Amrita Baba (lit. Deathless Father), or just ”Baba” is an enlightened master bringing a message of love, compassion, and peace. He is here to show us our divine and perfect nature through his darshans or transmissions of blessings. He has vast research, study, and practice on the Tibetan rainbow body and light body. He is the founder of Amrita Mandala
Aletheia Sophia is a Writer, Minister, Somatic Practitioner and Whisperer of Sacred Wisdom. Her highly acclaimed books, courses, transmissions, retreats, and workshops focus on the unearthing of the sacred body, from within the light of the soul, and thereby embodying its somatic wisdom. She is an initiate in the lineages of Mary Magdalene and Sophia.
For thirty years, J. Thomas (“Tom”) Devins, worked as a chemical engineer/businessman in the petroleum industry. He has taken his considerable problem-solving skills from the laboratory and boardroom and applied them to the greatest unknown of all—the mystery of death as now understood in the Tibetan Buddhist rainbow body tradition. He has a vast knowledge on rainbow body & light body.
Adam Apollo has offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology and the future at the White House, in a UN summit, and at conferences and festivals around the world. He is a founder of the UNIFY movement and several education and technology based companies and organizations. He is dedicated to achieving a sustainable and thriving interplanetary culture.
Kriyanna is a high initiate in the Western Hermetic linage of King Solomon, a priestess, and spiritual guide who has assisted thousands of people with there healing and awakening journey for over 30 years. She is the founder of Toren Collective.
Check back soon...
Check out Nicolas's presentation to learn more about the Tibetan Rainbow Body and more...
Toren Collective
An in-depth course on foreign (dark) entities & multidimensional occult forces and how they attach, interfere, influence, and attack.
Learn how to identity and protect yourself from these entities, forces, and unwanted energy.