A Japanese healing modality that is known for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki promotes healing using universal life force energy.
A simple and universal step by step process to fully feel whatever is alive for you in the now present moment. Learn to embrace the totality of all your emotions and feelings. This can bring a state of peace and overall wellbeing.
Using sacred sound instruments which support cellular healing, stress reduction, overall wellbeing, and more...
RMS is a gentle, rejuvenating, and uplifting experience that consists of a combination of Reiki, Meditation, & Sound Healing. Participants sit or lay down for about an hour and receive a Sound Healing accompanied by guided Meditation and Reiki energy. After an RMS experience, one can relate the feeling of a relaxing day at a fantastic spa!
It is a tailored service that is intended to promote ultimate wellbeing, a boost of energy, and peace of mind quickly and effectively. Perfect for small to large groups of all ages, religious backgrounds, and genders.
An total experience usually lasts approx. 90 minutes.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
Originally discovered and refined by Mikao Usui, Reiki opens a persons energy channels to facilitate the flow of healing energy, and is proven to improve health of body, mind, and spirit. The client usually lays down and receives the universal life force energy through the Reiki practitioner's hands which are either placed on the body or hovering over the body. A session can be done in-person or remotely.
Reiki compliments any and all other healing modalities, medical treatments, and medicines. Combining Reiki with other treatments assists the recipient with more fully integrating any and all treatments that are being received.
This study reviews the available clinical studies of Reiki to determine whether there is evidence for Reiki providing more than just a placebo effect.
Effect of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Adults: An In-Depth Literature Review of Randomized Trials with Effect Size Calculations.
The Effects of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Patients Attending a Day Oncology and Infusion Services Unit
The international center for Reiki training - Read how Reiki
heals real life issues.
Over 400 stories available.
Meditation can be an innate and instinctive state of being. Meditation practices are taught in every spiritual tradition in the world. People of all ages, from every walk of life, can meditate and benefit from its positive effects.
The meditation we offer is instinctive and allows one to be fully present in the moment with whatever is unfolding within and around them. Learn to embrace all your emotions, feelings, and sensations within your body and mind. One can learn to allow whatever is arising in the moment to be and really feel the totality of the life force flowing within and around you.
Overthinking about the past or the future can bring about anxiety, stress, and disease in the mind and body. Being present in the now moment, and allowing yourself to fully feel whatever is arising, can allow one to feel calm, centered, and allows the body to heal and be at peace.
Meditation is known to assist with the integration of other healing treatments. Additionally, it decreases sick days and helps to create a calm and harmonious environment wherever and with whomever it is being practiced.
Future directions in meditation research: Recommendations for expanding the field of contemplative science.
Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners.
Intensive Meditation Training Improves Perceptual Discrimination and Sustained Attention.
Compassion training alters altruism and neural responses to suffering.
Comparing Mindfulness-Based Intervention Strategies: Differential Effects of Sitting Meditation, Body Scan, and Mindful Yoga.
Meditation and Mindfulness: What You Need To Know.
Sound Healing is a primordial healing modality that uses instruments in a scared and mindful way to promote ultimate healing and universal wellbeing.
We use sacred sound instruments such as a 38" Paiste Earth Gong, Tibetan singing bowls, didgeridoo, shakers, chimes, and even our voice to encourage the body and mind to access deep, lasting, and sometimes rapid, states of healing and rejuvenation. The recipient usually lays down and relaxes as we play these sacred instruments next to and over the body.
Like Reiki and Meditation, Sound Healing greatly assists with the full integration of all other healing modalities.
***For more info about the sound healing we offer please click here.
A prospective, randomized, controlled study examining binaural beat (sound healing) audio and pre-operative anxiety in patients undergoing general anaesthesia for day case surgery.
Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being: An Observational Study.
The Sound Healing Research Foundation (SHRF) is a non-profit foundation dedicated to developing research projects to help bring Sound Healing and Therapy more into the mainstream (hospitals and homes)
Psychology Today is the world’s largest mental health and behavioral science destination online. It is the original and largest publishing enterprise that is exclusively dedicated to human behavior.
Reiki is an ancient healing touch therapy practiced worldwide and offered by major medical centers across the country as a complement to traditional medical treatments.
In the webinar, “Reiki - Get the Real Facts” Ann will describe her journey from sceptic to Reiki master and will explain how scientific research helps us to get the most benefit from Reiki sessions. We’ll also discuss Ann’s new book “Reiki in Clinical Practice. A science-based guide”.
Energy medicine is possibly the most controversial field in modern medicine. But we hurt our patients more than help them if we ridicule their interests in healing energy without fully understanding the possible benefits (and lack of risks). This healing energy may be most important before and after surgery, or before a psychedelic experience.
Andrew Huberman is an American neuroscientist and associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine who has made many contributions to the brain development, brain plasticity, and neural regeneration and repair fields.
This is a clip from the feature documentary "A Joyful Mind"
Researchers are studying the effects of mindfulness in the classroom
Anthony Holland at TEDx Skidmore College
This movie shows how brain waves can be affected using an Emotiv Epoc EEG device to map activity during a Gong Bath™ with Richard Rudis. www.Sacredsoundgongbath.com for more information. Movie by Janet Bass
This movie details a remarkable physical change that took place in blood samples from the 1 person before & after a Richard Rudis Sacred Sound Gong Bath™ with blood being tested by Sherry Beitzel of 'Inside Out Therapies' of Boulder Colorado using a Darkfield Microscope.
This movie shows the dramatic effects Sacred Sound can have on our Physical body in a short space of time.
The first step to having an RMS experience is to schedule a FREE consultation
The information presented on this web page is derived from metaphysical, magical, yogic, experiential wisdom, and modern scientific research and is intended solely for information and education. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or replace proper medical care. Always consult a licensed healthcare professional before making any significant modification to your wellbeing or lifestyle.
Toren Collective
An in-depth course on foreign (dark) entities & multidimensional occult forces and how they attach, interfere, influence, and attack.
Learn how to identity and protect yourself from these entities, forces, and unwanted energy.