The number one way entities can attach to your body is having a weak energy body or aura body. A weak aura body has holes, cuts, or openings in it which allows foreign entities to "get in" and attach to you and than influence you and harm you in many different ways. Holes in your aura body happen when you experience any form of trauma, which we all have to different degrees. These trauma created holes stay open until you do what is needed to heal and become empowered from your trauma. This usually involves soul retrieval sessions and some sort of deep shadow work healing. The more extreme the traumatic experience you have is, the larger the holes. Sexual trauma and/or betrayal can create the largest holes.
Fear is also a major influence in creating holes in your aura body and attracting foreign entities to you, for they all feed off of fear. They all feed off of your energy aura body, which is also called your prana, chi, or life force energy. For this is the only way they can exist in this reality.
*If you have a strong energy (aura) body, have reclaimed your soul parts, gone deep into your true shadow work, have a strong personal connection to the Divine, and doing whatever else is needed to become empowered in your mind, body, and emotions, it is very hard for any type of entity to attach or influence you in any way.
When you engage in regular use of drugs and alcohol you are weakening your energy body (aura). This includes habitual use of cannabis, plant medicines, and psychedelic substances. This all creates holes, leaks, and cuts, in your energy aura body which allows foreign entities to "get in" and attach to you and then influence and control you. There is a way to use cannabis and other plant medicines and psychedelic substances in a mindful and sacred way where it can be very healing and transformational as well. But when you engage in any type of hard drugs and habitually drinking alcohol, this is an instant doorway for foreign entities to attach to you. When engaged in these substances a part of you "leaves" or "checks out." When this happens you allow space for dark forces and entities to attach and interfere. Dark entities and forces also encourage the use of hard drugs and alcohol, and sometimes to the point of overdose and death.
Some foreign entities can create portals for other foreign entities to easily come and go as they please. Portals can be attached to your home, land or your body. The same can be done for beneficent light beings or helper guides. These portals can allow many entities into one's physical body or home. Portals can also be created through negative emotions, actions, intentional rituals, magic, and more. One of the main ways foreign entities use portals these days are through electronic screens and devices such as cellphones, computers, and TV's. Electronic screens create an EMF, electromagnetic frequency, which becomes the portals itself. Foreign entities and dark forces can ride in through EMF's. So in this way your are opening a door for them to attach to you or your home. This is extremely enhanced when you are watching or listening to anything that is showing fear, violence, horror, porn, or anything that is dark or disturbing.
This would be your cellphone, tablet, computer, modern T.V., any screen that is connected to the internet. These screens can be portals, or gateways, to other dark dimensions. They are an entrance for something to come into your experience. I am not sure if this is only when you are connected to the internet or applies to tapes, DVDs, etc. Depending on what you are looking at, listening to, or what application you are interacting with, certain foreign energies and forces can ride the electronic waves of frequency and enter your home or physical space and then attach and possess you. This is certainly true for when you use applications and websites that are run by tech companies who have people working for them who are possessed by dark entities themselves. This would include the major social media platforms, search engine platforms, and video streaming platforms for example.
Another prominent way that foreign entities can enter your home and possess you is through watching pornography. Most of the porn that you will find on the internet is designed and created by dark forces, or people possessed by them, and the frequency that porn sends to you is riddled with demons and dark entities. It is a way of taking away your power and controlling your sexual life force energy which is one of the most powerful forms of energy we have for creation and awakening as humans. Watching horror movies or violent movies also has a frequency signature that demons and other dark forces travel upon so that they may enter into your energy body and space. This is exponentially more dangerous for young children for they are usually more psychic and sensitive to these things. Many of the popular trending shows, social media apps, movies, and music that young kids and teens are listening to and watching are created by foreign dark forces and/or people possessed or influenced by foreign entities. They are exclusively for the purpose of causing great suffering for humans and entity attachment.
It seems that many famous people in the entertainment industry and sports industry have "sold their soul" for fame, money, and power. These people then appear in music, movies, shows, and other forms of entertainment that are specially designed to bring dark entities into your experience. This happens when you watch, listen to, read, or are engaged in whatever it is they have created as a vehicle to promote and bring in dark forces and entities into your reality to attach to you. Many people who used to be in Hollywood or the music industry are now coming out and speaking about this topic. These insiders have been saying that for a long time now, the master copy of the music, show, or movie goes into a specific room and a ritual involving satanic dark (black) magic takes place. Demons and other foreign entities are then invited into the room and "programmed" into the main master copy of the movie, show, or music. This means that whenever you watch this movie or show, or listen to the music, you are literally partaking in a satanic ritual and inviting the dark foreign entities that are attached to said movie, show, or music into your reality, home, and body.
It is in plain sight nowadays that this is happening. Some of the most famous popular music artists are blatantly expressing demonic and satanic images, symbols, and visuals in their music videos, pictures, and live performances.
Horror movies, especially the ones about possession, are clearly riddled with dark energy and entities. When you engage in any of this, you are opening yourself, your home, and loved ones to foreign entities and entity attachment. So, it is very important to be mindful of anything you put into the gateways to your body; your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
The main image in this section is of Marilyn Manson who calls himself the "antichrist superstar" and is a member of the church of satan. He is one of the biggest modern rock stars of our time with millions of records sold. Many modern day "famous" rappers, rockstars, and pop music icons also clearly are promoting dark entities and satanism. However this seems to be going on in the entertainment industry for a long time.
Either in this lifetime or another, you may have made a contract or agreement with foreign entities or forces. These contracts or oaths can transfer from lifetime to lifetime until revoked and destroyed. These contracts can attract foreign entities and cause suffering for those who have made them and their families. They can also influence people to be attracted to the dark side of things such as horror movies, satanism, and the dark occult. You may have been a dark wizard or witch in a past life and performed harmful or destructive spells or curses upon yourself or others. This behavior creates a karmic tie to your harmful actions and can affect you in this and all lifetimes until it is broken and cleared. Black magic could have also been used against you by another in this lifetime or another. Black magic spells and curses can bring about dark entity possession and cause suffering and confusion and chaos in one's life. People can purposefully or "accidentally" go to hell realms as well. A hell realm might be a place in another dimension where dark entities dwell, or a physical place on earth. It could be in your own home. It is a place where suffering and chaos is the dominant energy of the space or "realm" and it promotes negative harmful thoughts, actions, and emotions. This can be a physical place where a battle of some kind has taken place. A hell realm can be a place where a horrible act of dense vibrational energy has happened or is happening such as rape, drug abuse, or great harm to self or others. A hell realm can manifest wherever great suffering, chaos, or destructive thoughts, actions or emotions take place. The Tibetan Buddhist talk in great detail about different hell realms. For more about this I suggest reading "The Tibetan Book Of The Dead."
If you have an intimate relationship with other people who have foreign entity attachment, their entities can "jump" onto you and possess you. This can be a friendship, business relationship, romantic relationship, or person you live or even just have fun with. You can be most affected by people you live with, work with, and those who you have sex with. You open yourself up intimately to this person and their entities, especially if there is no love involved with the sexual experience. This is also the case if you sleep in the same room with someone who has entity possession. You also become susceptible when you go into a heavily populated place like a city, hospital, concert, festival, or airport for example. Entities attached to other people can transfer onto you when you are around large groups of people for many of the people you interact with have foreign entity attachments.
It is very common to pick up foreign entities when partaking in or using plant medicines or on psychedelic substances. This happens mainly when the space you are doing the ceremony or substance is not energetically protected, if the facilitator or "shaman" is not highly trained or qualified to be holding space, or if you are very ungrounded or “take too much”.
See how he healed and became empowered from Satanic Influence & Entity Possession
The information presented on this website is derived from yogic, metaphysical, magical, experiential wisdom, and modern scientific research and is intended solely for information and education. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or replace proper medical care. Always consult a licensed healthcare professional before making any significant modification to your wellbeing or lifestyle.
Regarding Entities & Entity Removal:
All information here is experiential in nature and is based on our many years of extensive research, training, and field work with clients. We don't truly know what is 100% "true" or "not true" when it comes to entities and entity removal. We do not claim that any of the information about entities is 100% true cause who could really know for sure. All we know is what is "true" to us based on our own life experiences and knowledge.
It is not suggested to try and remove or clear any entities or dark/negative energies without proper training and/or without the assistance of a trained facilitator/professional.
Toren Collective
An in-depth course on foreign (dark) entities & multidimensional occult forces and how they attach, interfere, influence, and attack.
Learn how to identity and protect yourself from these entities, forces, and unwanted energy.